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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

5 Android app for Student

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Android apps it's not just for a businessman or some a distributor or marketer but Android too needed if you a why ....? Okay in this pots I will know you some a future Android apps it's interest for a student. Look the list below...

1.Webmaster Directory
Android Apps have a webmaster Directory... so if a student of course you need a directory become a smart student and become a helps when you begin some a experiment or studying.So with a Android apps you didn't carry your directory for a big huge... just you get access from Android app and get id free for when you need it. So make your studying become a simple and easy with android.

2.WikiDroid like Wikipedia
IN this Android apps type you can also access a wikipedia home page like in wikipedia in internet online.You can reach what you want some a discussion for your studying and make all be there for you are.And make be simple for some a research complete data in WikiDroid. You can access for a free and access when you need it.

3.Documenter list View
In this app everything from your document or some of data can you view in one a list and become easy to search some data in what you want when you on time in learning.And just type data or document what you want so it's will be show for you like a list and complete with name from your data or document.So make it's easy and fast.

4.Math formula
IF you a student of course need some a formula like a math formula to become easy learn math subject.And you begin bring from your home or you instruct your mom to buy a big book special for a math formula.And in daily you bring and back to your school and back to your home. I thing it's be not comfortable when your get a studying. So for a solution in this part problem like you need more and instant to research some math formula get the Android app and feel is free and feel in your soul :D. And make some practice for your learning math subject in your school.

5.Budget Plane Student
This app the last ... and this just for complete your study when in your school like some a future or a planning. So in this App allow you to a finance or what a new idea when you have done some learning in your subject.I mean you can calculate what is the function for your life forward or for your life future and planning.

Okay I know before this post special for a student is using a Android App.. Of course all of you have a children. So if your children use a Android let's she/he read this post and make all is free and easy.Thing smart have fun and enjoy.

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