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2. And then open the software and draw anything like you want yours .
This the software where have be done to open, when you have done to make or to design yours ,save it with be going to file--> save frame as cursor .
4.Okay now hardly you job have finish for to apply the new cursor as your mouse pointer so be going to Control Panel--> Mouse --> Pointer --> browse the pointer as your have made--> and then click ok!! and see you work it's have be done hehhee ^_^ just it's the step hmm.. i hope you are like this post and give you comment and have fun enjoy blogging. ^_^
i like this post. Kunjungan balasan di tengah malam. Update terus mas postingan artikel blognya, karena kami bisa mampir kemari tiap hari. Salam silaturahmi..
thanks for your comment brother have fun and enjoy :)
this is great cursor....:D
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