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Monday, October 3, 2011

10 Tips save your online activity

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 So many problem ,many mistake dangerous and other when we are on browsing or online in internet.All of this
 make we are not comfortable to be going our activity in cyber world .Hm... why so serious yeahh i am not so
 serious but "IT'S NOT GAME FOR US BUT IT'S THE REAL JOB" . Hm... so how to make your activity inline keep save mode on hm,,, just follow this tips below i hope your saving mode is on 90% hehhehe ^_^
the tips like this :
1.Always active to be install anti-virus new version in your browse uses and keep update Anti-spy-ware in your brows uses ... Anti-spy-ware you can got it in official site in here

2.Always visit all of site when you browse in knowing and don't click any site it's like your friend sending it is may be something virus or spam and it can so serious make your PC be dangerous and you must change your RAM ... sad!!! just one click man .... Remember that ^_^

3.Always Perform a virus scanning on all of your file or email attachment like when your friend sent file to your e-mail trough some attachment and it's base of virus so automatism you virus scanning perform before already to give some warning like that .

4.Be often to update your browsing system or live update and always browsing new software or you must surf all of your browse system a latest version like that .

5.For save all of your account so. you must never share your account for someone for anything reason like your e-mail banking net account. pay pal etc. remember that!! And keep you make something password like alphabet hick and some symbol like you fix them when you make some password of all of your account.

6.Always type the real URL in address bar in your browse like for log in your g -mail you must type the URL like this something like that .

7.And always be-careful before you enter your password or any lo-gin your account you must look the URl https or http like that is good URL http .

8.Be carefully all of link your friend it is something like phishing or may be you require for lo-gin something your account of your email link ,so be-carefully. You can open the link but before copy and log-out all of your account active like face-book account or twitter or youtube or e-bay account and other .

9.Always clear all of your browse chase after every section is temporally to remove file stored  in your hardisk or memory of your PC or when you browse an other PC like in cyber cafe or in your friends PC keep remember for clear history in your browse.

10.okay the latest tips .Stop for browsing the sensitive account in cyber cafe like bank account cause you can't be sure that no there kaylogger or spy-ware password sniffer or other hacking method password.

okay 10 tips have finish i hope you are can keep when you are browsing or in your online activity
I hope you are like this post and give your comment have fun and enjoy brother and sister ^_^

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